Friday, February 12, 2010

Something I've always wanted to be in Atlanta...

View outside of my apartment
...Snowed in!

Well, not exactly - I'm more than capable of leaving my apartment, but I'm still feeling pretty risky without the requisite supply of milk and bread. Plus, the Atlanta news channels would make you think that this is the blizzard of the century. We've heard enough about your snow, Baltimore and DC, it's Atlanta's turn to close our schools and cancel all outgoing flights (like the Atlanta airport needs another reason to cancel flights).

The Winnipeg Free Press tells me that 49 out of the 50 states currently have snow on the ground, so take that as you will - either way it's turning out to be a perfect night in Atlanta to snuggle up inside and watch the opening ceremony of the Winter Olympics.

Cross your fingers that work is canceled on Sunday!

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