Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Community BBQ: No More Meat!

No matter what you have to say about the South, you can't deny that it has some of the most gloriously delicious food in America. Sure, we all know that it's unhealthy--just reading a Paula Deen recipe is enough to jump start cardiac arrest (for proof, check out her recipe for a burger sandwiched between two Krispy Kreme doughnuts). But morbid obesity and various digestive issues aside, there's something delightfully comforting about southern food, especially a good ol' barbecue.

Earlier this week, my friend Laura invited me to Decatur's Clairmont BBQ and I couldn't wait to try it out. I even wore a brown shirt in case of a spill. So you can imagine my disappointment when we walked up to the door to a scribbled sign that read "CLOSED: No More Meat."

Later that night, I logged on to the Community BBQ website out of curiosity and sure enough, under the hours it reveals that it's open until 8:30 or "whenever the meat runs out." Can't say I wasn't warned.

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