Saturday, February 20, 2010

Mac McGee's

I've been to a lot of Irish bars and also to a lot of bars that call themselves Irish. Despite having all the requisite furnishings of an Irish pub--including, but not limited to, a quirky Irish name, well-placed Guinness ads and (this is crucial) a framed photo of Michael Collins and/or Colin Farrell--some of these bars fall short of really feeling like an Irish bar.

When I walked into Decatur's newest Irish pub, Mac McGee's, I wasn't sure if it was going to be the real deal. They had the name, Guinness posters aplenty and sure enough, a framed photograph of Michael Collins hanging right by my table. But the only true test to determine the authenticity of an Irish bar? The drinks, of course!

And Mac passed with flying colors. First of all, the bar has Magners cider on tap, the drink of choice for all Irish girls and 14-16 year old Irish boys sneaking 'beer' from their parents. Note: I love this cider and haven't been able to find it on tap since leaving Ireland last August, so my squeal of delight at the waitress was completely justified.

Irishmen and beer lovers everywhere will be happy to know that Mac McGee's barman passed perhaps the most important test for an Irish bar: the two-part Guinness pour! That, combined with the list of 100 whiskeys and the cozy, friendly atmosphere made me feel like I was back on the Emerald Isle--great craic altogether!

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