Friday, March 26, 2010

Wahoo! Decatur Grill

One of the gifts that comes with moving away from home is the ability to really value the limited time you get to spend with your family. My parents always tell me that as a kid, it was a rare day that I could be found hanging out at home. And I don't need to be reminded that during my more, let's just say 'argumentative' teenage years, I didn't exactly ooze appreciation for everything they did (and do) for me. But now, I find myself wishing that I had more time to visit home and spend time with my parents and brother.

So it's perfect timing that my mom came to visit this weekend for my sorority's Mother Daughter Weekend. Whenever my mom and I get together, our first order of business is to find someplace new and exciting for dinner and drinks. It's a win-win situation: I get to eat at great restaurants for free and Mom gets to take a break from the meat and potatoes routine that my dad and brother insist on at home.

Tonight, we headed to Wahoo! Decatur Grill for an eclectic seafood dinner and we couldn't have been happier - a glass of wine, artsy decor and warm atmosphere made the perfect combination for a couple hours' worth of a much-needed catching up and girl talk. And I have to mention the dishes we ordered-I ordered the trout and mom got the Wahoo (it's a type of swordfish, who knew?), both of which were incredible. No wonder this place has won Best Seafood in Atlanta multiple times.

I'm looking forward to spending the rest of the weekend with mom--more delicious food and gossip! Some things never the fact that she still can't keep her eyes open in a picture (see below).

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